

A Literal Master's Degree on moving into the glorious F-You Position...

"If you're serious about achieving financial freedom, time freedom and debt freedom, you can now finally get your hands on the first 50 Issues with a MASSIVE DISCOUNT."

A wise man's life is built from a
position of financial strength.

Your boss pisses you off... "F-You."
Somebody wants you to do something you don't want to do... "F-You."
Don't want to spend your day sitting in meetings and Zoom calls... "F-You."
Want to take a vacation but you can't get the time off..."F-You."
Want to spend more time with your family but can't get away from business..."F-You."
Have a Pain in the Ass Client or Customer..."F-You."


It's kind of hard to believe that I've written every word in 55 Issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter. Truth be told, I'm proud of everything I've included with these various newsletters. Taken as a whole, it is a rather astonishing body of work that has generated untold amounts of cashflow for my members.

And, this body of work will continue to do so, I believe for generations to come.

True, some of what I've written was somewhat timely but, a great deal of what I've written is virtually... timeless!

The fundamental principles for living from a position of financial strength do not change. After all, that's why they're called principles. "Treat other people how you want  to be treated," was good advice hundreds of years ago... and it's good advice now.

I have several years and countless hours invested in this. And I'm still working on it daily.

And I want to give you the opportunity to get this body of work right now with this special opportunity to get immediate access to 50 Cashflownaire Newsletters, including all of the special reports, case studies, videos and suggested reading, from November 2017 through December 2021.

You'll GET everything included in these 50 Cashflownaire Newsletters!

My goal is for you to possess every strategy I have for finding, buying and creating assets that will produce cashflow for months and years to come without having to take on a great deal of risk.

The reality is... cashflow is the key to just about everything you want to achieve financially.

Think about something you're currently worried about and consider if you'd still have this worry if you had a large monthly cashflow flowing in from various assets in different markets.

Unleveraged monthly cashflow provides financial stability not found in paper wealth.

If Cash is King, than Cashflow is the Emperor.

My mission is to help you move into the glorious Position of F-You.... to extract more cashflow from your business and your investments.... to help you find the best cashflowing investments... to help you reduce your risk... and to help you build real wealth (different from paper wealth) so you can live in the glorious Position of F-You for the rest of your life.

To help with this extremely important goal...

I've combined the first 50 Issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter into what may actually be the most valuable book ever published...

And I'm going to charge A LOT of money for this monster of a book because it contains every idea, every strategy, every system, every thought I've had about moving into the glorious Position of F-You. On how you can engineer your life to live from a position of financial strength so you'll have financial freedom, time freedom and debt freedom.

If you don't have the ability to say, "F-You" to anyone asking you to work for money, then you need to get your hands this right now.

This massive treasurer trove of life-changing ideas and strategies is 600 pages long. Even better, it's a searchable PDF giving you the opportunity to quickly find everything I've written about any topic you're interested in.

A few quick examples:

Search "risk" and you'll find 251 pages where I've shared strategies you could use to reduce your risk. Search "debt" and you'll instantly have 171 pages at your finger tips. Of if you want to see everything I've written about exercise, search "exercise" and you'll have 110 pages to investigate!

Yep, reducing risk and managing debt are critical aspects to living in the glorious Position of F-You. My Cashflow Empire book really is literal "F-You" library!

Before going on, you should know that I'm not offering any guarantees or refunds with this very expensive book. It's really only intended for people who are serious about moving into the glorious Position of F-You. Who understand that this position is a mindset that must be developed by changing how you think about everything.

If you're not serious, you can stop reading now.

Since you're still with me, let's dig into the SIX KEY AREAS covered in these 600 pages...

A Deep Dive on the glorious F-You Position so you can
develop "the Ability to Say NO to Anyone Anytime!"

The Fastest Way to the F-You Position  (July 2021 Issue)
How to Live a Good Life  (November 2021 Issue)
The Fastest Way to Get Out of Debt  (September 2021 Issue)
How to Achieve Peace of Mind  (November 2017)
How to Get EVERYTHING You Want in Life  (April 2019)
The Importance of a Compelling Vision  (June 2019)
How to use Self-Control to Minimize Problems  (August 2018)
My 5-Step System for Improving Your Self-Discipline (September 2018 Issue)
The Importance of Response Inhibition (September 2019 Issue)
The high cost of living without self-discipline (August 2018 Issue)
How a Billionaire Operates (June 2018 Issue)
The Best Way to Manage Your Time ( June 2018 Issue)
How to learn to live without debt. (July 2018 Issue)
Why Money Equals Your Life Energy (October 2018 Issue)
The Financial Freedom Formula (November 2018 Issue)
The Single Most Important Sentence for Financial Success (November 2018 Issue)
Why Hard Work May Not Be Necessary. (December 2018)
The Lazy Mans Way to Riches (March 2021 Issue)
How to Think & Act Like Old Money (December 2018 Issue)
What Rich Men Envy (September 2019 Issue)
How to Go To War on Greed (July 2019 Issue)
How to Turn Your Attitude into a Weapon System (November 2020 Issue)
The Art of Questioning EVERYTHING (January 2021 Issue)
Buying Time vs. Buying Status (March 2021 Issue)
How to Overcome Fear (March 2021 Issue)
How Much Money Is F-You Money? (April 2021 Issue)
What Financial Freedom Really Looks Like (April 2021 Issue)
When You Should Take Your Chips Off the Table (IMPORTANT)  (July 2021 Issue)
My 4-Step Accountability System  (August 2021 Issue)
Learning to Welcome Failure  (September 2021 Issue)
How to PROTECT Your TIME  (October 2021 Issue)
19 Bad Life Traps to Stay Away From!  (December 2021 Issue)
How to Achieve Mental Freedom  (December 2021 Issue)

How To Become a World Class Investor

The MOST Profitable Financial Plan Ever (November 2021 Issue)
The BEST Financial Decision I've Made in My Life (October 2021 Issue)
How to Create Multiple Cashflow Streams from EVERY Asset (April 2021 Issue)
How to Invest with Certainty (December 2020 Issue)
A Simple Way to Improve Your Investment Results (February 2021 Issue)
How to Let the Market Dictate Every Move You Make (February 2021 Issue)
How to Turn Problems into Cashflow  (December 2017 Issue)
Your ONE Thing (February 2018 Issue)
Smart People Find Other People To Work For Them  (April 2018 Issue)
How to Combine Two Investments to achieve your Cashflow & Wealth Goals (April 2018 Issue)
My Profit Formula for 20% to 30% Annual Returns (April 2018 Issue)
A Real Money Machine (June 2018 Issue)
How to Create Monthly Cashflow from Dirt (August 2018 Issue)
How to Use Real Estate to Pay for College  (September  2018 Issue)
How to Create Cashflow from Small Investments  (October 2018 Issue)
How to Make an Extra 12 to 14% In the Stock Market (November 2018 Issue)
How to Get Free Gas & Pay Off Your Mortgage Early (November 2018 Issue)
How to Find Great Investment Properties (December 2018 Issue)
An Unusual Way to Turn Equity into Cashflow  (December 2018)
How to Get Paid To Buy Income-Producing Assets (January 2019)
The Airbnb Cashflow Machine (March 2019 Issue)
How to Actually Sell Time (May 2019 Issue)
The MOST profitable real estate investment in history & what you can learn from it?  (June 2019)
How to Really Pay Yourself First  (May 2021)
The FASTEST Way to Compound Cashflow  (April 2021 Issue)
How to Turn Your Ideas into Cashflow  (June 2021 Issue)
Digital Assets vs. Physical Assets  (July 2021 Issue)
My MOST Profitable Mini-Experiments  (August 2021 Issue)
How to PRINT Your Own Cashflow (December 2021 Issue)
The Power of Magical "Set-It-And-Forget-It Investments (December 2021 Issue)
How to Print Your Own Money (December 2021 Issue)

How to Build a Positive Cashflow
Business With Multiple Income Streams

How to Find Your Business's Mission (May 2019 Issue)
How & Why You Should Put Your Business in the Toll Position (February 2018 Issue)
Operation 1,000 Monthly Cashflow Streams (March 2018 Issue)
Use Systems to Create Predictable Results (March 2018 Issue)
The BEST Positive Cashflow Business (May 2018 Issue)
How to Optimize your Monthly Cashflow  (August 2018 Issue)
Why Everything You Do Is A PRODUCT (March 2019 Issue)
How to Use Marketing to Solve Your Business Problems  (May 2019 Issue)
The $600,000 Cashflow Blueprint (July 2019 Issue)
How to Create Cashflow by Buying Customers (July 2019 Issue)
How You Can Profit from the Franchise Business Model (January 2021 Issue)
A LOW RISK Way to Invest in Bitcoin (October 2021 Issue)
How You Can Profit from Trends (September 2021 Issue)
How to Layer "Toll Positions" On Top of Each Other (November 2021 Issue)
How to Make (A LOT) More Money (November 2021 Issue)

How to NOT Lose Money
A little risk management never hurt nobody.

The Ultimate Way to Protect Your Family (November 2021 Issue)
A deep dive on risk management (November 2017 Issue)
How to Minimize Your Loss with Tenant Defaults (February 2018 Issue)
How to Rent Properties that Need Work  (March 2018 Issue)
Why You Should Stop Making This Insane Trade (April 2018 Issue)
How You Can Solve Money Problems  (May 2018 Issue)
A Study on How People Go Broke & How You Can Avoid the Same Mistakes  (June 2018 Issue)
How to Buy When Everyone Else is Selling  (July 2018 Issue)
Be Prepared to Lose Half Your Money - No Thanks! (May 2018 Issue)
Why You Shouldn't Keep Up with the Joneses (September 2018 Issue)
Stop Gambling With Important Things (March 2019 Issue)
My BIGGEST Investing Mistake  (March 2019 Issue)
Use Your Debt Level to Determine How You Should Invest  (April 2019 Issue)
The Secret to Better Investments  (July 2019 Issue)
Money = Time Warrior. Lose $$ and You Lose Time Warriors  (November 2020 Issue)
A Study of the 1929 Stock Market Crash & What We Can Learn from It  (November 2020 Issue)
10 Ways You Can Profit from the Next Crash  (November 2020 Issue)
How to Prepare for a Home Evacuation  (November 2020 Issue)
Advanced Risk Reduction Strategies (March 2021 Issue)
How I Lost $100,000 in 12 Months (March 2021 Issue)
The BIGGEST Risk We Face  (April 2021 Issue)
How to Think BIG without Taking BIG Risk  (May 2021 Issue)
The Real Difference Between Good & Bad Debt   (December 2020 Issue)
My Risk Reduction Strategies   (March 2021 Issue)
The Costliest Mistake Anyone Can Make   (June 2021 Issue)
Why You Should Focus On Minor Opportunities   (August 2021 Issue)
How to Protect Family Assets & A Major Financial Risk We All Face  (September 2021 Issue)
The Main Reason Why You Should Refinance Your Mortgage  (September 2021 Issue)
How You Can Make Better Investments By Paying Attention To Risk of Loss  (September 2021 Issue)
A Deep Dive Into the Risk/Reward Ratio  (October 2021 Issue)

How to Build Real Wealth

A Study of Wealthy People  (December 2020 Issue)
A Picture of a Long-Term Wealth Building Machine (January 2018 Issue)
How to Turn ONE Check into Multiple Checks  (January 2018 Issue)
How to Make Money OR Make EVEN More Money (January 2018 Issue)
Life Lessons from J. Paul Getty   (May 2018 Issue)
How to Give Your Children a LIFETIME of Income  (May 2018 Issue)
How to Copy the Wise Old Wall Street Men  (August 2019 Issue)
How to Get FREE Lottery Tickets! (January 2021 Issue)
The Three Words That Led to $10,000,000 (January 2021 Issue)
Why You Should Pay Attention Your Asset to Liability Ratio (January 2021 Issue)
How to Literally Plant Seeds of Wealth  (February 2021 Issue)
How to Win the Lottery Every Day (Seriously)  (February 2021 Issue)
How to Triple Your Money in 10 Years (March 2021 Issue)
How to Get Paid to Buy, Hold & Sell Income-Producing Assets  (April 2021 Issue)
What Is Your Most Valuable Financial Asset?  (July 2021 Issue)
How to Be Richer, Wiser, and Happier  (August 2021 Issue)
How to Prepare for a Home Evacuation  (November 2020 Issue)
Advanced Risk Reduction Strategies (March 2021 Issue)
How I Lost $100,000 in 12 Months (March 2021 Issue)
The BIGGEST Risk We Face  (April 2021 Issue)
How to Think BIG without Taking BIG Risk  (May 2021 Issue)
The Path to Wealth (June 2021 Issue)

How to Improve Your Health &
Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

The Greek God Fat Loss System  (December 2020 Issue)
This is the FASTEST Way to Lose Body Fat (March 2018 Issue)
How to Get & Stay Ripped (October 2018 Issue)
Eat More of This & You'll Get Ripped  (October 2018 Issue)
How to Optimize Your Health Outside of the Medical System (January 2019 Issue)
The Science of Mind Over Body  (February 2019 Issue)
Suicide On An Installment Plan?  (June 2019 Issue)
Sit In One of These & You'll Live Longer   (July 2019 Issue)
This Little Workout is Proven to Build Muscle Quickly (August 2019 Issue)
How to Make Exercise More Enjoyable (September 2019 Issue)
Guaranteed Six-Pack (October 2019 Issue)
What I Learned Wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor  (August 2021 Issue)
How to Use Nature as Medicine  (October 2021 Issue)
How to Live Longer (June 2021 Issue)
The "Fun" Birthday Challenge  (October 2019 Issue)
How to Build Your Own Medical Hedge Fund (January & April 2019 Issues)

My Empire Cashflow book isn't just about making more money. It's really about living your life exactly how you want to live it. It's about not having to trade your time for money. It's about building self-discipline and self-confidence.

And for more honesty...

You won't find any get rich quick strategies in this material. The ideas I share in this book require work to set up and manage. In many cases you'll have to face your fears to do what I teach. This is why you'll find a 30-day Badass Challenge in every single Issue. Yes, this means you'll also have instant access to every Badass Challenge. These monthly challenges typically rotate between mindset challenges, financial challenges, and physical challenges.

These challenges are important because they will change who you are as a person. You'll improve your self-discipline, your self-confidence, your health, your strength and your financial situation.

You Get All of This.... FOR JUST $197 When
You Become a Cashflownaire Member!

If I were to sell you all of this individually it would end up costing you around $2,997 and it would be worth every penny.

But instead of doing that, I'm going to let you have all of it... instantly...for  just $197 when you become a Cashflownaire Member.

And as I mentioned earlier, because I'm giving such a large discount, there is No Money-Back Guarantee. All sales are final.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to TURN these 50 Issues into a great deal of cashflow for your family.


The last thing I'll say about all of this is... the Cashflow Empire is designed to be an income-producing asset for your family. If you have children and grandchildren, you have my permission to pass this valuable asset on to them!


Rob Minton

Rob Minton

NOTE: Any reference to income and cashflow stated in this letter are not guarantees. You may not make any money with your investments. I've been investing for over 25 years and have a great deal of experience. And as you know, most people never take any action with what they learn. Your results may vary depending on many factors including: your experience, your background, your work ethic and the amount of money you have to invest. Every investment entails risk including the various investments detailed within these Cashflownaire Newsletters. More importantly, you will have to roll up your sleeves and get to work to move into the glorious Position of F-You. If you're not willing to accept this, please DO NOT ORDER THIS BOOK!

Copyright 2022 © CSHFLW LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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