
The $150,000.00 Seven-Day
Cashflow Challenge

From the Desk of Rob Minton
Willoughby, Ohio

Dear Friend, 

If you'd like to increase your annual cashflow by $100,000 to $150,000, this 7-day Cashflow Challenge may be the most important thing you'll ever do!

It really will. 

But First, A Warning:

Before we go further, let's get something very important out of the way.

This 7-Day Cashflow Challenge isn't one of those "get rich quick while sitting around on your couch" programs. You cannot significantly increase your cashflow without changing how you think... and without taking action.

I'll be the first to admit that this 7-Day Cashflow Challenge IS challenging. 

It will force you to think differently than you're currently thinking.

More importantly, it will force you to "see" opportunities you're not currently seeing. Once you "see" these opportunities, you will have to take action to turn them into new cashflow streams.

And for some more truth...

The 7-Day Cashflow Challenge includes a daily work session. This work session will require about an hour to complete. These daily work sessions are not easy. Sadly, most people who sign-up for this challenge won't actually complete these daily work sessions.

If you're not willing to invest an hour of time each day to learn how to increase your cashflow, don't bother taking this 7-day challenge. 


With that said... let's walk through the challenge...

The 7-Day Cashflow Challenge is designed to help you
layer new cashflow steams on top of each other. 

DAY ONE: You'll learn how to "see" all of your assets. 
DAY TWO: You'll learn how to create cashflow from EVERY asset you own.
DAY THREE: You'll learn how to create cashflow from assets owned by other people.
DAY FOUR: You'll learn how to focus on the BEST cashflow streams.
DAY FIVE: You'll learn how to create new cashflow streams without investing a lot of time & money.
DAY SIX: You'll learn how to generate cashflow from activities you enjoy doing!
DAY SEVEN: You'll learn how to increase your cashflow each day going forward.

The 7-Day Cashflow Challenge is designed to help you identify and implement new cashflow streams without having to invest a lot of time and money.  Slowly but surely, these new cashflow streams will compound into a large monthly cashflow. 

Here's how this starts off...

The best part is that many of your new cashflow streams will offer diversified income eliminating your dependence on one income stream, like your paycheck! As I'm writing this, I have hundreds of cashflow streams. These streams were all created one at a time using the exact same strategies you'll learn in the 7-Day Cashflow Challenge!

Imagine what life would be like if you had dozens of new cashflow streams? This is how you achieve financial independence, as you'll know longer have to trade your time for money.

You can use your new cashflow streams to... quit your job, pay off all of your debt and to build a financial fortress for your family. 

In fact, think about what would happen if you were to reinvest the cashflow streams you create into new income-producing assets.

Ready to get started?

I look forward to helping you learn to "see" cashflow everywhere!


- Rob Minton

P.S.  In case you're one of those people (like me) who just scroll to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you my 7-Day Cashflow Challenge,  which is designed to help you increase your annual cashflow by $150,000 for just $1.00. This challenge is normally priced at $197; however, I've discounted it down to just $1.00.

This is a very limited offer because of the value included. This offer will disappear when the timer reaches zero and will never be available at this discounted price again.

NOTE: Any reference to income and cashflow stated in this letter are not guarantees. In fact, if you're not willing to complete the daily work sessions included in the 7-Day Cashflow Challenge, you won't make any money. And as you know, most people never take any action with what they learn. Your results may vary depending on many factors including: your experience, your background, your work ethic and the amount of time you have to build cashflow streams.

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