

This IS The BEST Deal I've Ever Offered!

This 96.7% Discount Expires Completely In:

For the first time ever, you can get my most valuable courses, systems, tools, newsletters and more - ALL for a fraction of the normal price when you join my Cashflownaire Membership.

Dear Friend, 

I'm bound and determined to have you become a Cashflownaire Member. So, I'm going to make you an offer you really won't be able to refuse. Well, if you're serious about increasing your cashflow, you won't be able to pass on this opportunity.

Before I share everything I have for you, I want to share why I'm making this offer:

Reason #1 - My mission is to help you move into the glorious position of F-You. I cannot make progress on my mission IF you're not a Cashflownaire Member. So, I'm doing everything I possibly can to get you to become a Cashflownaire.

Reason #2 - I'm trying to display one of the key strategies you can use to increase your cashflow. This strategy is persistence! I don't give up easily, which is why I've made you another valuable offer to become a member!

I'll literally give you every tool I have to help you increase your cashflow, but you have to take advantage of this special opportunity now, before it disappears.


The Cashflow Manifesto - VALUE $497

This Cashflow Manifesto includes all 12 Issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter from 2022.

In these 12 Issues, you'll learn how to build a financial base for your family by multiplying your income-producing assets. In fact, you'll develop...

The Ability to...

Turn ONE Asset into DOZENS of Assets

In my humble option, this ability is one of the most valuable skills you'll ever develop.

This simply because you'll be able to use this skill to increase your cashflow any time you want. You do this by turning ONE income-producing assets into MORE income-producing assets.

You won't have to wait around for 20 or 30 years for compound interest to work its magic.

You'll be able compound assets at an accelerated pace. 🙂

The ENTIRE Cashflow Empire - VALUE $2,997

This Cashflow Empire includes the first 50 Issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter where you'll learn how to move into a position of financial strength to you won't have to work for money unless you want to work.

In my not-so-humble opinion, this is the most valuable book ever published. It's 600 pages long.

It includes every idea, every strategy, every system, every thought I've had about moving into the glorious Position of F-You!

Even better, it's a searchable PDF giving you the opportunity to quickly find everything I've written about any topic you're interested in.

Search "risk" and you'll find 251 pages.
Search "debt" and you'll find 171 pages.

Yes, reducing your risk and debt levels are a critically important part of the F-You Position!

In fact, here are the SIX Key Areas covered in these 600 pages:

A DEEP DIVE INTO THE GLORIOUS F-YOU POSITION including the fastest way you can have time freedom, debt freedom and financial freedom.
How You Can Become a WORLD CLASS Investor!
How You Can Build A Positive Cashflow Business with Multiple Income Streams
How NOT to LOSE Money - Powerful risk management strategies you can use to protect against loss.
How to Build REAL Wealth! - By real wealth, I mean long-lasting wealth.
How to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life... Mentally & Physically!

But all of this is just the start... because you're also getting...


In this powerful course you'll learn my step-by-step process for increasing your cashflow. You see, creating cashflow is a skill. This is a skill you'll perfect in this course.

In order to triple your cashflow within a short period of time, you'll have to learn to think differently, which is exactly what I help you do in this course.

You'll learn how to SEE dozens of profitable cashflow opportunities that you're not able to see right now.

Next, I'll show you how to implement the best cashflow opportunities you identify quickly without having to take any significant risk.

And if this isn't enough, I'll even show you how to overcome any fear and limiting beliefs you may have around implementing your best ideas.

If you're serious about increasing your cashflow, this course will soon become one of your most profitable tools!

My Manufactured Home Cashflow System - VALUE $497

Manufactured homes have been my single best investment by a wide margin.

Yes, I know... most people laugh when they hear that I invest in manufactured homes.

Well, they can laugh all they want, because these investments actually perform better during challenging economic times. In fact, manufactured homes literally saved my family from bankruptcy back in the 2008 real estate crash.

Maybe the best part about investing in manufactured homes is that they actually become more profitable when tenants move out.

Manufactured homes are a great way to generate attractive real estate cashflow without having to take on a great deal of risk.

And last but certainly not least, manufactured homes give you the ability to multiply your assets at an accelerated pace. I'll show you how inside this course!

How You Can Build a FINANCIAL FORTRESS with my Stock Market Cashflow System - VALUE $297

If you want to learn how to multiply your stock market assets in order to build a financial fortress for your family, this is the course for you!

You'll learn a powerful system you can use to generate 30% to 50% of annual cashflow in the stock market.

Even better, I'll show you how to use this cashflow to build a compounding money-machine of high-yield dividend stocks.

Imagine how cool it would be to be able to acquire hundreds of free shares of high yield dividend stock each year. Now, think about how this would look if all of these free dividends you start collecting were used to buy even more free shares!

Every dividend stock you acquire will become another brick in your financial fortress!

The Rules of Wealth Course - VALUE $197

I've been studying wealthy people for 30 years. This study of wealth has uncovered a treasure trove of information we can use to our advantage.

You see, success really does leave clues.

In this course, you'll learn the most important commonalities of the wealthiest people in the world. These commonalities include how they think about money, how and why they work, what they do for exercise, and more.

More importantly,  I'll show you how to install these commonalities in your day-to-day life using my Daily Wealth System. Simply download this System and start using it every day and you'll start to automatically clone the wealthy commonalities with everything you do.

All of the Cashflownaire New Member Bonuses - VALUE $1,324.00

As a new member, you'll receive a virtual truckload of new member bonuses including...

- My Complete Rent to Own System for Maximizing Your Cashflow from Single Family Homes - Value $300.00

- My Student Rental Course Designed to Help You Double Your Cashflow from Single Family Homes (Value $97.00)

- My 80/20 Tenant Screening System (Value $200.00)

- A virtual library of reports and books ( Value $130.00)

- A Private Coaching Call (Value $500.00)

Plus, you'll also receive your very first Cashflownaire Newsletter! This newsletter is valued at $97.00.

Here's a Quick Summary of Everything You'll Get Instantly...

The Cashflow Manifesto (All 12 Issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter from 2022)  - VALUE $479.40
The Cashflow Empire (the first 50 Issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter)  - VALUE $2,997.00
The TRIPLE Your Cashflow Course  - VALUE $197.00
The Manufactured Home Cashflow Course  - VALUE $497.00
Build a Financial Fortess with my Stock Market Cashflow System  - VALUE $297.00
The Rules of Wealth - VALUE $197.00
All Of The New Member Bonuses - VALUE $1,324.00

Total Value:  $5,988.40

As soon as you order, you'll get instant access to everything.

So claim this offer now!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to helping you move into the glorious Position of F-You!

- Rob Minton

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just scroll to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you my best investing courses designed to help you increase your cashflow, pay down your debt, and build a financial fortess for your family, plus the first 50 Issues of My Cashflownaire Newsletter for just $197 when you become a Cashflownaire Member!

Click here and get everything now. You won't regret it.

* The monthly cashflow and income stated in this letter are what I make with my accelerated cashflow investments. Please understand I'm not implying you'll duplicate my results (or do anything for that matter). I've been investing for over 25 years and have made many mistakes and have lost a lot of money. I've learned from each of these losses and have shared how I've become a better investor in this book. Most people who buy "how to" information don't actually implement the strategies and therefore get no results. Your results may vary and depend on many factors... including your investing background, experience, knowledge, work ethic and the amount of money you have to invest.  Every investment entails risk including the investments detailed in my book. More importantly, you will have to take massive action to succeed as an investor. If you're not willing to accept this, please DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK!

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