Are you ready to finally sell some homes and make some real money?

Rob Minton - Real Estate Coach

Meet Rob Minton, the marketing go to guy for leading real estate agents throughout North America. Throughout this website, you’ll find several different programs that will help you generate more leads, sign more clients, and sell more homes.

Look around and you’ll also find numerous fee reports and articles that are worth more than many paid programs offered by other real estate trainers. Before you leave, be sure to sign up to receive future business building articles in the email newsletter form above!

Here’s What People are Saying About Rob

“Rob provides a complete business system that radically changes the real estate agents’ business life – notably by creating greater income made without working evenings or weekends, with no listing presentations, no costly weekly advertising of properties and virtually no competition. In addition to helping agents collect full commissions, Rob helps you create unique profit centers including “locked in” predictable monthly income.”

Dan Kennedy

“It hasn’t been a full year since we implemented Rob’s ideas and we’ve probably sold 45 to 50 homes. And I’ve collected commissions around $100,000. His ideas and strategies for real estate agents are revolutionary. Probably the best part of Rob’s program is we have learned how to get prospects to chase us. We are now focused on building a business that has a substantial asset value. It’s been quite a ride.”
-Nick Karadza
Toronto, Ontario, CA

“I’ve been mentored by Rob and his entire staff. Rob has tested everything himself, and this works. I just wish I had found him earlier. Following Rob’s strategies, my clients are now buying multiple homes from me. Some of them are on their fourth home and want to start buying apartments. The best part is that we are having way too much fun.”
Janet Vossler, Reno – Nevada

”Since implementing Rob’s ideas with my business, we’ve had months where we’re doing between seven and ten additional transaction. And the great thing about that is I have personally, beyond making the machine go, not had to play an active role in making those things happen. Rob helped me turn my business into systems that runs without my day to day involvement.”
-Billy Harris
Albuquerque, New Mexico

“I have come to realize from your strategies that an agent can create consistent and predictable results. At this point, for every 100 leads I generate, I sign 5 to 6 to a one- year buyer’s agency contract. Each client I sign up pays me $228.95. I also charge them $29.95 a month going forward. My goal this year is to sign five new clients a week every week. That means even if I do not sell a home but I do reach my client signing goals, I will generate $54,948 this year in new fees alone.

Matt Shreves, St. Louis –Missouri
“I used one of Rob’s online lead conversion strategies to automatically convert 22% of my online leads into appointments. This strategy is fantastic because it allows us to convert online prospects automatically. In fact, this strategy produced results within 24 hours. I’ll be able to use this one strategy to add 10 to 20 new buyer clients a month, each and every month”

~ Mike Sivula, Cleveland, Ohio