Recently I decided to turn my new book titled "Renegade Millionaire Strategies for Real Estate Agents" into a free ebook. Over the last week, 1,748 real estate agents downloaded my free ebook. You can download this book, too! Go to

This past weekend, I received the following email from an agent who requested my free ebook. Here it is:

"Why do you give away this book? What’s in it for you?"

This agent’s question is an excellent question. I thought I would answer it today for everyone. I’m using my Free ebook to generate leads for my coaching business. I have a coaching business for real estate agents. In my coaching business, I teach agents:

  • how to work exclusively with real estate investors
  • how to create attractive passive income streams by creating a club for your investors
  • how to sell multiple homes to the same clients
  • how to work during regular business hours
  • and much more…

Offering my book for free is a marketing system that I setup to automatically convert prospects into clients for my business. In my case, I’m converting real estate agents into coaching clients. In my previous posts about creating systems for your real estate sales business, I touched upon two very important Systems for your business. These Systems were lead generation and lead conversion. My free Renegade Millionaire Strategies for Real Estate Agents ebook is part of my lead generation and lead conversion system. I’m practicing what I preach! 🙂

I use similar Systems in my real estate sales business. I teach agents how to use the exact same systems I used to sell 294 homes in one year. I also teach them how to create a club for real estate investors. My coaching program includes the same advertisements, sales letters, presentations that I used in my business. In fact, agents in my coaching program can copy the free ebook strategy using my Income for Life book for real estate investors. We turned my Income for Life book into an Ebook. Each agent in my program becomes a co-author of my Income for Life book for their area. This ebook can then be given away by agents in my program to automatically convert leads into to clients. As a coaching client of mine, you can copy this same strategy in your business. The Income for Life book will help you automatically convert prospects into clients for your real estate sales business. 

Do you have similar lead generation and lead conversion systems in your business? If not, creating these systems should be your number one priority. These systems allow you to create a dream real estate business.

P.S. If you would like to apply for my coaching program, fax a note to me at 440-918-0347.

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