If you have been plugged into my blog, you have probably picked up on the theme – "Business Re-invention" for real estate agents. I have tried to include examples, ideas and strategies that agents can use to re-invent their real estate sales businesses.

Of all my posts, I received the most feedback from the post titled "How Real Estate Agents Can List & Sell Bank Owned Homes by the Boatload." Believe it or not, I received a few nasty emails from agents on this topic, too! I actually posted one of them. However, from all of the feedback, one thing is very clear:

Agents want to learn how to list and sell bank owned homes.

This feedback prompted me to setup a special Free Webinar with an agent who specializes in bank owned homes. This agent is obviously very busy these days. I was only able to lock down one-hour of his time for this interview. And guess what – you’re invited!

This Thursday, March 6th, at 2 PM EST, I’ll interview Frank Patrick in a special one-hour Free Webinar. You can register for this special REO interview by clicking on this link:

FREE REO Webinar – How You Can Quickly & Easily List and Sell Bank Owned Homes

During the Webinar, you’ll learn…

1.  How to reposition your business to become the agent of choice for banks, mortgage lenders and private mortgage insurance companies who are stuck with millions of vacant, foreclosed properties that they are legally obligated to sell, often for pennies on the dollar.

2. How make substantial fees by providing Broker Price Opinions on bank owned homes. One agent made $130,000 in fees simply by providing Broker Price Opinions.

3. How to list and sell REO properties by the boatload.

To join us on Thursday, March 6th, at 2 PM EST, for this special one-hour webinar, register now at:

FREE REO Webinar – How You Can Quickly & Easily List and Sell Bank Owned Homes

The easiest way to re-invent your real estate sales business is to pick a niche in the market and dominate in your niche. Over the next few years, bank owned properties will represent one of the most profitable niches in our business. You might want to pay attention and profit from this niche.

Rob Minton

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