I was recently interviewed by Cashflownaire Coach, Carlos Samaniego. Carlos is launching a Cashflownaire Membership in the Redlands, California area and he’s an incredible guy.

Carlos helps small business owners work through tax problems with the IRS. You can learn more about Carlos here. I highly recommend his services, especially if you’ve got some tax problems!

In this conversation, Carlos and I cover several topics. Here’s a quick summary of what you’ll uncover:

[4:00] You’ll hear about the most important book I’ve ever read and how it changed my life!

[6:00] The real reason why you must systematize your income.

[9:00] How to protect your family financially.

[9:30] How I lost several million dollars and what I learned from it!

[16:00] My primary investing and business goal. (Not what you think it is)

[18:00] One of Carlos’s favorite books. You’ll find this same book on my bookshelf!

[25:00] Why you don’t need millions of dollars to retire.

[28:00] Very important advice from an older man.

[31:00] Why daily physical and financial suffering is important.

[34:00] Carlos’s Wheel of Cashflow!

[35:00] The new book I’m requiring all Cashflownaire Members to read!

If you’d like to become a member of the Cashflownaire Community, you can become a Member here.

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