My youngest daughter has been going to summer workouts for volleyball at her high school. At the start of a workout last week, the trainer told everyone that he had a surprise for them at the end of the workout.
For some reason, my daughter thought (or hoped) the surprise was going to be cupcakes! LOL.
Well, his surprise wasn’t cupcakes. It was an insanely hard drill including sprints and lots of burpees.
When she told me the story on the way home, I couldn’t stop laughing. I asked her why she thought he had cupcakes for everyone? She replied, “Because I wanted cupcakes!” l ended up deciding to break the news to her by revealing that… “Whenever you workout with a trainer and they tell you they have a surprise for you, it’s never gonna be a good surprise.”
I laughed so hard because I used to do the same thing when I was leading workouts for the gym I used to own. I would tell our members that I had a “special treat” planned for them! My special treat wasn’t a pizza party and it didn’t include any sugar. It was usually rather unpleasant and it always included a little suffering.
The reality is these special treats are actually very good for us, even though they’re painful and uncomfortable.
Sadly, life isn’t all cupcakes and pizza parties. Life can be really fucking hard. Life can bring physical and mental discomfort. We do hard things in order to prepare for bad times. We embrace pain now so we’re prepared for whatever real world “surprise” comes our way.
Consider that you’ve never been taught to set up a “sunny day” savings account! Why?
Because we don’t prepare for good times. We prepare for hard times. Good times don’t require suffering. Bad times do. The reality is that workout surprises prepare us for real world problems. We push ourselves through uncomfortable workouts and uncomfortable situations to become stronger mentally and physically. We embrace discomfort now to minimize future suffering.
As you might imagine, I’m sharing all of this because I have a special surprise for you!
In the August Cashflownaire newsletter, which will be released in a few weeks, I’ve included a Badass Challenge that will make you a lot stronger. It does require a little suffering, but it will be worth it.
Become a Cashflownaire here:
When you join today, I’ll immediately send you the July Newsletter and goodies. In fact, one Cashflownaire sent the following email to me after getting the July newsletter:
“Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I
read your June Cashflownaire newsletter and thought
it was your “BEST”….until I got your July newsletter. 😀”
He seems to think the July newsletter was the best one so far! Well, I actually think the August Newsletter may be my most important newsletter. It was certainly the hardest for me to write. As a new member, you’ll get the August newsletter as soon as it’s released, so get started now and you’ll be ready for the special treat I have planned for you!