
Photo by by Agent Angelo

My blog and business is about teaching real estate agents how to reinvent their businesses. I don’t care how important blogs are for marketing. I’m done writing blog posts. Screw it.

I’ve decided to reinvent my blog…

Here’s is the deal – Instead of writing blog posts, I’ll answer your questions. I’ll answer any question you have. You can ask me…

  1. Questions about marketing
  2. Questions about recruiting
  3. Questions about signing more clients
  4. Questions about selling more homes
  5. Questions about systems
  6. Questions about selling your business
  7. Questions about money

Basically, you can ask me any question you want. All questions are fair game! Now I’m not promising to answer every question I receive. I’ll pick and choose the questions that I think will help other agents the most. I’ll answer these questions on my blog. My goal is to try and answer 3 questions a week depending on my work load.

If you would like me tackle one of your questions or help with one of your big business challenges, send me at email at:


Please include your name and where you live in your question. I’ll simply answer the questions as new posts on my blog. I won’t respond to your email directly! You’ll have to stay plugged into to my blog for your answer.

Sound good? Lets get started…

Question:  You write about creating additional income streams in our businesses, can you give me a few ideas on how to do this?

Answer: You bet! There are countless ways to add new income streams in your business. I’ll cover just three of them for you today.

1. Sell new properties to your past clients. For example, you can market an attractive investment property to your clients and earn extra commissions. Good deals attract investors. Don’t make the mistake of asking your past clients if they are interested in investing and then trying to find the good deal. Find the good deal and then talk to your clients specifically about the deal. Numbers talk! You can use voice broadcasting to tell everyone about your investment opportunity. Or you can send an email to everyone on your list. And finally, you can write about your great investment opportunity in your monthly newsletter. Once you have a great investment opportunity, use it to lead generate through your database. As people raise their hands, you’ll be able to compile a targeted list of investors. You can then go find another investment opportunity and market it to your targeted list. Your targeted list is basically a waiting list for new investments. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a waiting list to sell properties to?

2. You can become an affiliate of other products and services and market these products and services to your database. The best part of becoming an affiliate is that you don’t have to create a new product or service. You simply market these products and services and get paid commissions when someone you refer purchases. You should talk about these programs with your attorney so that you don’t violate any RESPA laws. There are thousands of affiliate programs you can promote, you simply have to look around. If you need some suggestions, send me a question and I’ll give you a few ideas in future blog posts! Send your question to me at: ro*@re***************************.com

3. You can launch your own business offering services or products that your clients want. For example, a listing agent could start a home staging business for their seller clients. They could charge separately for their staging services. A buyer’s agent could start a side painting business and paint their clients homes. Don’t think you have to swing the paint brush. You could simply hire someone to do the painting for you. I launched a "side" business that became very profitable. This side business generated over $170,000 of income in one year. I marketed this side business to my clients through a simple insert in my monthly newsletter. It took off like gang busters. I’m hosting a webinar next Wednesday at 2pm EST where I’ll explain exactly what I did. If you would like to attend this free webinar, register here:


Remember, if you want me to answer your question simply send me an email at ro*@re***************************.com

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