In an episode of the TV show Billions in season three, billionaire Bobby Axelrod is talking to a Russian Billionaire. The Russian Billionaire says…

“Every life is like a body of water with an equal amount of salt added. The key to enduring it (life) is to expand your body to make your body so vast inside that you don’t even notice the salt. I say, “Who the fuck has time for that? I just decided to like the salt. However, you get there, right?””

I’ve thought a lot about this comment and actually have a video of the conversation on my phone. I believe the Russian Billionaire is saying that most people (average people) try to minimize or eliminate things they hate. They minimize, eliminate, or ignore their problems.

He’s also saying that you can easily step above average by training yourself to love what average people hate.

If you’re an entrepreneur, learn to love failure.
Learn to love hiring, firing and training new employees. Learn to love the things other entrepreneurs hate.

If you’re a real estate investor, learn to love property management.
Learn to love handling problems. Learn to love screening tenants. Learn to love collecting rent. Learn to love getting bad tenants out.

(I’ve been investing in real estate for over 25 years. I literally hated property management during my first 10 years. I finally realized the key to success as a real estate investor IS property management and I forced myself to become a great property manager. Today, I manage all of my own properties and they’re far more profitable because I learned to love management. Average real estate investors don’t make nearly as much money from their properties simply because they don’t love management. They haven’t studied property management. They have built and texted different property management systems).

If you want to be strong, learn to love being sore.
Don’t avoid soreness, make it a part of your daily life.

If you want to be healthy, learn to love fasting.
Learn to love dealing with hunger. Learn to love the process of breaking your food addictions.

If you’re a real estate professional, learn to love generating and converting new leads.
Learn to love marketing. It’s the one thing that will transform your business and most real estate agents hate it.

In other words, learn to love the most painful aspects of whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish. Average people tend to avoid these things and we can easily set ourselves apart by excelling where others don’t.

Learn to love what average people hate.

And if you’re a Cashflownaire, you’re required to learn to love self-discipline. Learn to love honoring self promises. Learn to love doing what other people aren’t willing to do. Learn to love being a complete Badass.

You can become a Cashflownaire here:

By the way, my Cashflownaire Membership isn’t all about investing and making money. This is only a part of what we work on in the membership.

The Cashflownaire Membership is really about overcoming limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It’s about doing hard things. It’s about becoming stronger mentally and physically. It’s about becoming a better parent and a better spouse. It’s about becoming the best you can be. It’s about creating your ideal lifestyle regardless of what everyone else does. It’s about UNsettling.

If you’re not happy with how things are going, it’s time to learn to love the salt.

Get started now: