“Twelve Complete Done-For-You Monthly Marketing Campaigns You Can Use To Automatically Attract & Convert Leads Into Home Sales!”



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I have a special limited-time offer for you…..a SUPER SECRET SALE!

And by signing up now, you will get access to…


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12 Complete Marketing Campaigns
Designed to Automatically Attract &
Convert Qualified Leads into Sales


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In a nutshell, I’ve written twelve different marketing campaigns you can use to sell more homes.  Each done-for-you marketing campaign includes:

1. Targeted lead generation advertisements you can use to attract quality leads. These advertisements include pay-per-click advertisements, blog posts, advertorials and more.

2. A special 8 to 12-page content report designed to automatically convert prospects into clients. Each content report positions you as an expert and will completely set you apart from other real estate professionals. You’ll be the author of each report and will have rights to change, modify, and use as you wish for your business.

3. A follow up marketing campaign you can use to get unconverted leads to become clients.

You might be wondering how these “content” reports will help you sell more homes?

Well, each report is really a sales letter for your business. The best part is these sales letters are hidden inside great content. The reader will not see your sales efforts. Instead, they’ll be thinking…“I definitely need this person’s help.”

Prospects Will No Longer See You As A Salesperson.
They Will See You As An Expert

This may not seem like a big deal until you see how this transforms your business. Instead of rejecting you as salesperson, prospects will seek you out for your help. They will WANT your help. This means NO prospecting. They will come to you and ask to become your client.

But wait, it gets even better…


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You Can Use ONE Marketing Campaign Each Month
Creating A Rotating Marketing Machine
Compounding New Leads & Clients!


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As you probably know, our marketing campaigns become less effective over time as prospects get used to seeing our marketing messages. I know from first hand experience building my real estate business.

I had ONE marketing campaign like the TWELVE I’ve written for you and ended having to invest more money each month to generate the same number of new clients. This problem has been completely eliminated because you’ll be able rotate a different campaign each month.

Here’s a snapshot of a few of the 12 Marketing Reports you’ll be able to use in your business…


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To give you extra incentive, I’ve setup a very large discount where you can have all TWELVE of these complete marketing campaigns for just $297!  This is a 49% discount off of the regular price of $582!


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”23″ font_font=”Lato” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23374047″ font_spacing=”-1″ font_shadow=”none”]Take Action Before This Offer Expires[/text_block]

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Here Is Why You Should Take Advantage Of This Special NOW!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23979ca0″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]These marketing campaigns COMPOUND with each passing month. This simply means you’ll be able to convert more leads into sales as time progresses. Stop and think about it for a minute:

You’ll be able to market to the leads you generate this month every month going forward using a different done-for-you content report.

If a prospect doesn’t ask for your help this month, you’ll simply continue giving them great content each month until they DO ask to become one of your clients.

Imagine where your business will be in next year after installing these TWELVE done-for-you content marketing campaigns.[/text_block]

You’ll Have Twelve Automatic Lead Conversion Systems Delivering You New Clients

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23979ca0″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none” bottom_padding=”20″]How much of your time do you spend prospecting right now? Do you host open houses hoping to get new clients? Do you attend networking meetings? Are you constantly asking for referrals from everyone you know?

Well, all of this is finally over.

You’ll have automatic marketing systems delivering new clients to you each month. If you want to sell more homes, simply run more of the done-for-you lead generation advertisements and new clients will flow into your business.[/text_block]

You’ll Have EXPERT POSITIONING and Prospects Will Ask To Be One Of Your Clients

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23979ca0″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]How frustrating is it when you have to chase every prospect? How frustrating is it when a prospect doesn’t value your advice? How frustrating is it that you don’t have a pipeline of sales each month?

Let’s be 100% honest… it’s horrible. I know. I’ve been there myself. I hated real estate until I learned how to setup these automated marketing systems. These systems will completely change how you do business.

Prospects will WANT to become YOUR client.[/text_block]

Take Action Before This Offer Expires

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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]If you use these marketing campaigns exactly as I show you, I guarantee you’ll sell a minimum of 5 extra homes in the next 12 months, or I’ll refund your purchase completely.

This means you’ll turn your $297 investment into 5 additional home sales, or you’ll get every penny back and you can keep all TWELVE of my marketing campaigns.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
