You’ll probably laugh, but I have a Britney Spears song on my music playlist for cardio days.
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This song, “Work B##ch” is on my playlist for two reasons.
1. It gets the blood pumping.
2. It’s an important reminder to NOT work hard.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Every time I listen to this song, I change the lyrics in my head. I replace the word “WORK” with “THINK.”
You wanna hot body
You wanna Bugatti
You wanna Maserati
You better THINK, b##ch!
You wanna Lamborghini
You wanna sip Martinis
You wanna live fancy
Live in a big mansion
Party in France
You better THINK, b##ch!
We’ve been taught all throughout our lives that the way to get what we want in life is to WORK for it. The solution to every problem (or goal) is always to WORK hard.
The problem is working hard rarely works.
I learned this years ago when I trained for my second marathon. If I remember correctly, I ran my ass off for four months and lost a total of two measly pounds. I literally worked my ass off and didn’t make much progress on my fat loss goal.
I could have easily burned more body fat simply by fasting for 24-hours than I did by running hundreds of miles. LOL.
I also worked very hard for my accounting firm. Hours and hours of overtime and I still couldn’t afford a Maserati.
Working hard is usually NOT the solution.
Thinking hard IS usually a better plan.
We have to use our ideas and thoughts to get what we want in life. It turns out that to get what we want in life we really do have to work smarter, not harder.
We have to turn our ideas thoughts into money cashflow.
This is why I have this taped picture to my monitor:
This sculpture fro 1880 by Auguste Rodin is called “The Thinker.” It’s another reminder not to jump to our default mode of working hard.
If Warren Buffett wanted something in life, would he go work hard for it?
If Bill Gates wanted something in life, would he go work hard for it?
The problem is that we’ve never really been taught to invest large amounts of time into thinking. Instead, we’ve all been taught to be busy all the time working. “If we’re not working, we’re not making progress.”
The reality is that if we’re not THINKING, we’re probably not making much progress.