
I was originally going to write about the Systems a business owner needs that allow them to separate themselves from their business. I have decided to interrupt this article to tell you about where I have been the last 7 days. I’ll get back to the Systems in my next blog post!

Over the last 7 days, I have attended and participated in two different mastermind groups. The first mastermind meeting was held in Celebration, Florida on Thursday and Friday of last week. The entrepreneurs attending this meeting have thriving businesses in various industries.

There was one gentlemen in attendance who runs 7 different businesses. These businesses include
the launch of a new national bank, and two separate franchises. Another attendee is a highly
specialized cosmetic dentist who also runs multiple "side businesses." Or how about, the commercial
real estate broker who built a net worth in excess of $10,000,000. He told us the exact strategy he used and it was phenomenal. Oh, and I should probably mention the "pay per click’ advertising expert, too. He explained, in detail, the steps someone should take to generate a ton of online traffic.

On Saturday, I flew to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to attend a closed door mastermind meeting with some of the top agents launching my Less Clients More Money System. The picture I included above was taken in Myrtle Beach early before my mastermind meeting. I was working on the balcony of my condo to prepare for the meeting. The view was incredible, so I took the picture. Not too bad!

I continue to be blown away by what these agents accomplish from month to month.

For example, one attendee shared how she got over 3,000 investors to call her office over the
last 3 months. Her strategy cost her less than $600. Another attendee showed an advertisement
and follow up email campaign she used to bring in 5 sales in a matter of weeks. Another agent
shared an idea that he uses to increase his clients cash flow from their real estate investments
by over $1,000 a month. The entire room was on the edge of their seats. Simply genius!

As I type this post, I’m literally exhausted. I have been away from my family for 7 days. I have
invested a significant amount of time and money to attend these meetings. These investments have
been priceless because I have pages upon pages of notes, ideas and opportunity. I’m now in the process of going through every single note I took. I’m going to layout a plan of implementation starting with the ideas that give me the most leverage in my business.

The key to success lies in the implementation. What good are the three different million dollar
ideas, if I don’t put them into play? My mentor, Dan Kennedy, says "Ideas are like slippery fish." He is right!

The agents having the highest income implement ideas very, very quickly. One of the Less Clients More Money Agents at our meeting actually began implementing ideas right in the middle of the meeting. He heard an attendee mention a successful online advertisement used to recruit new team members. During a break, he posted a similar advertisement in his marketplace. Impressive, huh?

What ideas do you have that you haven’t implemented?

Money comes from implementation.
Money comes from decisiveness.
Money comes from action.
Money comes from speed.

Till next time…

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