In the video below, you’ll see a story about a guy who tried one skateboard trick 2,000 times over a period of two years before finally nailing it. During his 2,000 attempts he suffered numerous injuries. Here it is:
Hold this idea of 2,000 attempts for a second….
I’m currently reading “Why The Rich Get Richer” by Robert Kiyosaki. In the book, he shares the story on how he got started with real estate investing.
Years ago, he invested $385 to take a real estate investing course. The $385 investment was half of his monthly salary at the time. The teacher was an actual investor who achieved financial freedom through real estate. The teacher used real life examples from his own investments and shared mistakes he had made and lessons he had learned during his journey. At the end of the course, he asked all of the students to go out and evaluate 100 properties.
Here was the assignment as relayed in Robert’s book:
“Your assignment is to look at 100 properties in the next 90 days. You are going to learn how to find the best investments. You are going to put what you’ve learned into action. You will make many mistakes. Your real education is about to begin when you knock on doors, go to open houses, scour classified advertisements, and drive neighborhoods looking for For Sale signs. When you find a possible deal, you are to physically inspect it, analyze it, and write up a one-page report on the pros and cons of the property, possible income growth, forecast on debt, taxes and phantom cashflow. You are to have 100 of these reports, on real properties, in the next 90 days!”
The students were put into groups for this task. After looking at a small handful of properties, the majority of the students gave up. Kiyosaki completed the assignment studying the 100 properties he walked through during the 90 days. He actually ended up buying one of the properties and this became the start of his journey as a real estate investor.
Today, he believes this one real estate investing course helped him make millions of dollars in real estate. He turned a $385 investment into the real estate investing course into into thousands of rental properties.
What I find interesting about this story is that the majority of people who took the class with him did nothing. They were not willing to look at 100 properties. Kiyosaki turned the class into financial freedom while others turned the class into $0.00.
Imagine what you would think today if you had been in that class with him years ago? You would realize he became a multi-millionaire because he completed the assignment and you didn’t. How would it feel to have blown such an amazing opportunity?
Guess what?
Things are far worse today. We continue to make the same mistake all the other students from Kiyosaki’s class made years ago. We don’t pursue opportunity when it knocks on our door and it is ALWAYS knocking. We aren’t willing to roll up our sleeves and do the work.
If I asked coaching students to go look at 100 properties, I’m confident in saying ZERO would actually complete the task. ZERO. I would actually be willing to bet a significant amount of money on this, too. Why? Because everyone today wants to take the easy way out. We have become very lazy and we always look for the easy way to do something.
“You want me to look at 100 properties? Why? What a waste of time! I can just analyze them online.”
Actually going out and looking at 100 properties is significantly different than reviewing properties online. You see and learn so much more physically walking through properties. You see opportunities you wouldn’t see reviewing properties online. Plus, you meet 100 sellers and will be able to determine who is motivated and who isn’t.
I recently did a webinar with a guy who created a significant monthly cashflow in real estate through Airbnb without having to buy one property. He has a course teaching students exactly how to do this. The course requires students to physically walk through properties.
How many of his students do you think actually do it?
His course is the single best real estate opportunity I’ve seen in 25+ years and students won’t do what he asks them to do. In fact, many students ask for a refund when they realize they have to go out and look at properties. Really? How hard is it to look at properties?
We seem to want to take the easy way out with EVERYTHING…
We want a magic supplement that melts fat off instead of changing how we eat so that our bodies melt fat off automatically.
We want steroids to put a ton of muscle on instead of spending a year or two working our asses off at the gym lifting heavy weights.
We want our doctors to give us prescription drugs to fix our problems instead of doing what we need to do to improve our health, so we don’t need the medication.
We want to make a lot of money and build wealth without having to look at 100 properties.
I have a large portfolio of mobile home investments. These homes provide a significant monthly cashflow for my family. This portfolio started when I devoted EVERY Sunday afternoon to driving through mobile home parks. While everyone else was watching football, I was looking at and buying homes. If you want to read more about mobile homes, study my report here.
The good news is that if you are one of the few who are actually willing to do the work, the world is yours. You have ZERO competition!
Now back to the skateboard trick:
Christian Flores attempted this trick over 2,000 times suffering injury after injury for two years and we can’t seem to get ourselves to walk through 100 homes. Walking through 100 homes doesn’t require any broken bones, or painful bruises. We don’t have to risk a concussion, or a visit to the emergency room. It simply requires discipline and some of our time yet nobody will do it?
So here’s the million dollar question for you:
Are you willing to look at 100 homes? Are you willing to do what other people aren’t?
Think about it for a second… how will you ever own 100 homes, if you aren’t willing to look at 100 homes?
Note : If you want to learn more about the Airbnb business, you can register for an upcoming webinar here:
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