In our businesses, we are dependent upon other people to get homes sold and closed. Every single sale involves many other people and one incompetent person can cost us a lot of money and a great deal of time.
How many times have you had to deal with another agent who doesn’t return your phone calls or doesn’t know what their doing?
How many deals have gone south because of an appraiser incorrectly valuing a home?
How many loans have been messed up because the lender was slow and didn’t get things completed in time?
It’s pretty hard to get paid when we have to deal with so many other people to get one home sold.
A few months ago, I participated in a special meeting with agents here in Cleveland. During the meeting, we were brainstorming different ideas we could implement. I’ve detailed some of the findings from this meeting and how I evaluated each opportunity in a new report, which you can download below. In the meeting, one of the agents shared how he helped a seller that couldn’t sell their home. He created a $3,000 fee and recurring income of $99 a month. More importantly, the seller was extremely happy and absolutely loves him.
It’s a very unique way to create income from sellers who can’t sell their homes. This is something you should definitely study and contemplate for your business.
In the report, you’ll also see how to eliminate dependency in your business and how to create recurring revenue. You can download this report right now by clicking on this link:
I shared this report with my Master Marketer club members a few weeks ago and have received a ton of feedback. Download it while it’s still available!
2 replies to "How to Avoid Dealing with Incompetent People & Make More Money at the Same Time!"
I am in receipt of YOUR email right after receiving an email from
a closing attorney the status of a CLOSING on a contract, which was contracted to close on or BEFORE 6/29/2010 Instructing them that Lien Holder requires a HUD a minimum of 4 days before closing. The closing attorney replies back closing is scheduled for 7/23/2010… Does ANYONE read contracts, what’s the purpose of putting closing dates in contracts ??? i have over $30K, of commission on 4 differenct contracts that have taken me over 6 months to become binding, because all were short sales… NOW someone else’s incompetence is
f—cking up my PAYDAY !!!
Ouch! I can understand why you’re so irritated. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like you beat your head against the wall? People can be very frustrating. And no – nobody reads contracts anymore. I hope you collect every penny of commission!