Two days ago, I attended a financial aid meeting at my daughter’s high school. This fall will be our first go around with this entire process, so I figured I should start understanding what’s required and when. It was actually a great meeting and the person giving the presentation stayed after answering dozens of questions.
It became obvious from the various questions that most of the families weren’t prepared for the cost of college. This is crazy to me because we’ve had 16 plus years to prepare and yet most haven’t used this time to their advantage.
Paying for college doesn’t have break the bank, or put your child into tens of thousands of dollars of debt. I feel so strongly about this that I wrote an entire newsletter for my Marketing Department members detailing how to use real estate to pay for your child’s college education. You can download this newsletter here:
[file_download style=”2″][download title=”Special%20Report%3A%20How%20to%20Use%20Real%20Estate%20to%20Pay%20for%20Your%20Child’s%20College%20Education” icon=”style1-Pdf-64×64.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=””][/download][/file_download]