For most of my adult life, I’ve always struggled with some level of guilt when I’m not working. Yes, this may sound odd coming from a guy who preaches creating cashflow to eliminate any need to work for fungolas.

(“Fungolas” is from Gary Halbert. It’s a great word)!

For me, this guilt seems to flow from my survival instincts. It has historically motivated me to work more – a lot more. It all started with my first paper route in 6th grade and continues today, 35 years later. The underlying limiting belief is that I won’t make it if I don’t work very hard.

This is the old —> “If I want more than everyone else, I’ve got to work harder than everyone else” bullshit we’ve been taught by motivational speakers. It’s certainly not true.

Maybe you struggle with this too?

Do you feel compelled to do something productive most of the time? Do you feel guilt when you’re not working?

Welcome to the “No Fun Club.”  :0(

I’ve been learning to let go of all of this guilt for several reasons:

1. More work doesn’t guarantee success. It really doesn’t, even though we seem to think it does. It may actually create additional problems in our lives.

2. Guilt can really ruin a nice day off. Thoughts of…. “I should be ___________,” suck enjoyment away from whatever we’re doing.

3. There is enormous value in not working. In other words, NOT working is actually productive.

This last point may require a second read:

There is enormous value in not working.

Not working gives us to time to think, see, feel, learn and think. This rarely happens when we’re trying to do something productive. Our productivity distracts us from creativity.

In “Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind” by Scott Barry Kaufman, I found this…

“Our most creative ideas don’t tend to come when we’re consciously focused on the problem. Great insights come through interacting with people, gaining experiences and letting your mind make connections. There are various ways of allowing those unconscious connections to bubble forth to consciousness, and getting in touch with nature and movement is really important.”

The point of this is for you take some time off and allow yourself to relax. You may be surprised at the ideas you uncover when you’re not working. I’m also hoping that if you’re in the “No Fun Club” like me, you decide let go of any guilt you may feel when you’re not working. The guilt isn’t helpful. So just let it go.

The reality is the “No Fun Club” isn’t very much fun. LOL.

Consider that not working IS very productive. You do benefit from NOT working.

Not working will…

– improve your creativity.
– help you see opportunities you’re currently missing.
– improve your health.
– help you become a better parent.
– improve you effectiveness.
– give you time to think.

So….. give yourself permission to take some time off and to learn to truly enjoy it. I think you’ll find it becomes one of your most profitable activities.


P.S. I’ll be digging into this idea of why hard work is not necessary for success in an upcoming Cashflownaire Newsletter. The membership is currently closed to new members. If you’d like to be notified when new openings are available, join the wait list here and I’ll send you an email when you can become a member.