Way back in 2006, I interviewed architect Sarah Susanka for my podcast.
(Yes, I was podcasting before it was cool. Instead of streaming my podcast, I mailed it through snail mail to my clients on CD. I mailed several hundred CDs of my monthly interviews to all of my clients. It was a lot of work.)
This particular interview with Sarah Susanka had a massive impact on me. We were discussing her 1998 book “The Not So Big House.” The message of her book is that we should focus on quality over quantity. We should design smaller homes we truly love instead of building McMansions with several rooms we never actually use.
At the time I interviewed her, I was thinking about buying my dream home… a McMansion.
During the interview, she mentioned an important question that I had never really thought a great deal about about. Her life changing question was:
“How do you live a good life?”
Think about this for a second…
I was in my 30’s and had never truly thought about how to live a good life. I was simply copying everyone else and chasing a lifestyle that I didn’t really want. I was trying to build a large net worth, so I could buy a big home. I wanted to show success and prove myself to the world. I wasn’t thinking about what I really wanted.
After thinking about this question for several months, I thankfully realized the lifestyle I was pursuing wasn’t MY good life. At heart, I’m the simple man Lynyrd Skynyrd sang about. I don’t need to own a big house or fancy cars. For me, a good life is more about freedom and autonomy. It’s about having control over my days, months and years. It’s about being able to do what I want whenever I want.
Since that interview with Sarah, I’ve been consistently pondering this one question. I’ve also been working really hard to create MY good life.
And today, I do live a good life. A life that I’ve carefully designed.
For the most part, I get to spend my days doing what I want… reading, studying, thinking and writing. I don’t have to answer to anyone for anything. I have many income streams and am not dependent upon any of them. I could lose many of them and would still be fine. I’m no longer buried in debt and sleep very well at night.
I do work two or three hours each day doing what I love to do. I love helping transform people. I love helping people create new income streams. I love helping people break through their limiting beliefs.
I’ve come to the conclusion that living a good life is different for everyone. Your good life is different than my good life.
Why am I rambling on about all of this?
Because I want YOU to really think about designing YOUR good life.
What is your good life?
You DON’T have to accept a life you don’t truly love. You DO have the ability to actually live YOUR good life. The challenge is you really have to think about it. What do you want your life to look like? What is your perfect day? What do you enjoy doing?
If I were to drill down into the soul of my Cashflownaire membership, it’s really about how to live a good life.
A life of independence.
A life of strength.
A life you love.
Get started here: