This morning I was reading the new book “Hiking With Nietzsche – On Becoming Who You Are,” and found this:

Nietzsche was, for most of his life, in search of the highest, routinely bent on mastering the physical and philosophical landscape. “Behold,” he gestures, “I teach you the Ubermensch.” This “Overman,” a superhuman ideal, a great height to which an individual could aspire, remains an inspiration for an untold number of readers.”

To the author, this ideal meant: to become better, to go higher than you presently are, to be a free spirit, a self-conqueror, and a nonconformist.

He wrote:

“The Ubermensch stands as a challenge to imagine ourselves otherwise, above the societal conventions and self-imposed constraints that quietly govern modern life. Above the steady, the unstoppable march of the everyday. Above the anxiety and depression that accompany our daily pursuits. Above the fear and self-doubt that keep our freedom in check.

I have to admit that this is actually how I’ve been approaching life this past year, but haven’t been able to describe it as brilliantly as he has.

In fact, if you were to read the last few issues of my Cashflownaire Newsletter, you’d see this is action. I’ve shared how I was working hard to try and overcome the five deady sins of life. I shared why I crave self-control. Why I want to master the physical and the mental landscape.

I believe the reason why I’ve gravitated to all of this is because mastering ourselves is really the most important skill we can learn in life. It’s far more important the money, status or anything else we pursue.

Back to the Hiking With Nietzsche book…

“I had no idea how dull the world could sometimes be. How easy it would be to remain in the valleys, to be satisfied with mediocrity. Or how difficult it would be to stay alert to life.”

In other words, we may be able to stay alert to life by becoming self-conquerors. By ignoring the societal conventions of renting our time and our thoughts. By becoming nonconformists in many aspects of life. By learning to see the brainwashing and utter bullshit we’ve been taught about how to live a good life.

Now, I’m certainly no Ubermensch, but I’m striving to be. I haven’t mastered any of these lofty goals, but I’m a little better than I was when 2018 started.

And hopefully, I’ve inspired you do make a similar journey in your life. To think accurately about what’s really important. Some people aren’t quite ready for this journey. They’re still distracted by things that glitter with gold.

If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and break your self-imposed constraints, become a Cashflownaire here:

Once you join, I’ll immediately send you my August and September Newsletters. These are probably the two most important Newsletters I’ve written. I’ll also send you my October Newsletter later this week.

NOTE: I am closing the doors to new Cashflownarie Members in just a few days. This will be your last chance to join in 2018.