Even though I included the word “secret” in the headline, I’m not sure if there are any true secrets these days. There is; however, a different way to see and consider the important things in life. This different way is what I teach in my Cashflownaire Membership.

Consider this from member, Macky Kyle:

“I just wanted to thank you! You do an incredible job curating content geared towards personal improvement and achievement than is way beyond what is main-stream and typical. I seriously enjoy getting your monthly newsletter and checking out your suggested videos! Your newsletter has given me a lot to think about, get rid of in my life and new things to embrace. Rock on, and keep up the good work!”

You see, one of my roles is to help you THINK accurately about how to live well. This isn’t as easy as it may sound on the surface, because we’ve all been taught a bunch of BS about what’s important in life. We’ve been sold (brain-washed) on what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. Most of this is hogwash.

Sadly, we follow most of this hogwash without thinking. We simply copy what we see everyone else do and this can lead to a great deal of misery. This can lead to a life NOT lived well.

Like the old advice to get a good job and save a portion of every paycheck so you can retire happily in your 60s. The reality is that it is much better to simply just create the retirement income you need this year, so you can quit work and enjoy life now.

In the August Cashflownaire Newsletter, which will be released tomorrow, I share the main reason I believe many people are struggling today. It’s the reason why the rates of depression and anxiety have all skyrocketed over the last decade. I’ve hinted about this in the last few emails, but I open the doors to this inside the newsletter.

If you’re not happy with how things are going in your life, you really need to study my August and September Cashflownaire Newsletters. They may be the “secret” to your personal improvement and achievement. They will also bring you a great deal of happiness and satisfaction in your life.

I realize this may sound too good to be true. It isn’t. Give what I share a try for a month and see how you feel. Do you feel proud of yourself? Are you happier? Is your life better in some way? I think the answers to all of these questions will be “YES!”

Go here and join now:

Understand what I’m going to ask you to do won’t be easy. You’ll have to go to work on yourself, but you’re certainly worth the hard work, aren’t you?

P.S. After yesterday’s article on the people who shop at Walmart, one of my Cashflownaire Members sent me a link to this scary website: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/

P.P.S. The price of my Cashflownaire Membership will be increasing TONIGHT for all new members. Today is your last chance to lock in the lower price for the next twelve months. Go here