Last week, I was having lunch with my wife. We were watching “Right This Minute” on TV and they showed a video of Gianluca Vacchi and his girlfriend dancing:


He is an Italian millionaire and lives a pretty awesome lifestyle. He actually might be the world’s most interesting man in real life from the Dos Equis commercials. Looks like Gianluca Vacchi just turned 50 and he is a lot in better shape than I am right now. Kinda pisses me off!

I sold my gym a few years ago and have been eating more junk food. Slowly but surely, I compounded my body fat into an extra 20lbs! I’m a little chubby! Or maybe fat and happy? Well, I’m over it. Vacchi has inspired me to get rid of this beer belly.

So I’ve setup a plan to shed this body fat by December 31, 2016 and I’m making it public as an accountability tool. I don’t want to wait until the New Year to start this resolution. Instead, I’m going to get rid of the fat before the New Year starts. If you want to lose a few pounds, feel free to join me!

Here’s my plan…

My plan is to lose 2 lbs a week. In 10 weeks, this will compound into 20 lbs of fat loss. This fat loss will be accomplished mainly through what and when I eat. I will be exercising, but don’t plan on using exercise as the main driver for this fat loss. Exercise isn’t super effective for fat loss. I exercise for all of the other health benefits and because it makes me feel awesome.

I’m going to use a plan outlined by Rebecca Latham. She has combined a low-carb approach to eating with fasting.

She outlines the idea for her plan in this older blog post.  She has refined her program further and actually setup a private “My Low Carb Road” Facebook group you can find here. Once you join her group, read the July 5th pinned post detailing her plan. This is her plan on a high-level:

1. Set a weekly goal for fat loss.
2. Break this goal down to a daily goal.
3. Weigh yourself each morning and..

-If you’ve hit your goal for the day, you feast for the day with low-carb foods.

-If you’re above your goal for the day, you fast and burn fat for the day.

Follow this approach until you’ve hit your fat loss goal. It’s a great plan for several reasons:

1. You don’t need to exercise, unless you want to! (I love to exercise)
2. You don’t need any special supplements!
3. It combines the two most effective strategies for fat loss: low carb & fasting
4. It’s free.

Check it out and see what you think! I’ll be posting updates each week. These updates will help keep me accountable.

I’ll be dancing in my boxers in no time!

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