Oprah recently interviewed Jerry Seinfeld about his new TV Show “Marriage Ref.”

I absolutely love Seinfeld and made a point to watch this interview. I was blown away by how Jerry thinks about his work. Here’s a 51 second video from the interview you might find very helpful in your business. (Note: The video seems to hang for a few seconds, but the audio works fine and it’s the most important part!)

Jerry specifically said he didn’t want a TV show that required him to be there all of the time like Oprah’s show does of Oprah. He wanted a TV show where he could work when he wanted to work and not be required to work night and day like Oprah does for her show.

I found this fascinating and thought about real estate agents and our businesses.

Our businesses are exactly like Oprah’s business, because we have to be the lead sled dog. Nothing happens in our businesses unless we do it ourselves, right? What would happen if we could re-engineer our businesses so that they were more like Jerry’s new TV show where we didn’t have to participate in every single aspect of our businesses?

The reason Jerry’s comments hit home to me was because I’ve been working on a new program designed to help real estate agents automate short sales so they don’t have to be the lead sled dog or paddle a one man canoe! This program includes strategies to automate seller lead generation, listing appointment lead conversion and the negotiation and processing of short sale transactions.

Yes, I wrote “short sales!”

I believe short sales represent a great opportunity for your business for many reasons. However, you have to set things up properly so that you can handle dozens of short sale deals at the same time by automating as much of the process as possible.

I’ll be sharing the details of how to automate short sales and more information on my new program in a special teleseminar I’ll be hosting on Thursday, March 18th at 3pm EST. You can register to attend this telesminar at:


In the teleseminar, I’ll be covering the following:

– a secret I learned in a closed door mastermind meeting to drive sales and revenues through the roof. I’ll also show you how I used this secret in my business with massive success.
– business building lessons of Henry Ford and how you can apply them to short sales.
– 3 ways you can automate short sales in your business.

During the call, I’ll be releasing my new short sale program, which includes many “Done-For-You” marketing tools you can use to automate the entire short sale process. However, I’m only going to release 100 copies of my new program and they’ll be available on a first come, first served basis! If you’d like to learn how to automate short sales in your business and would like to have access to my new program, register to attend now at this link:


    4 replies to "Are you a lead sled dog like Oprah?"

    • Sean Goerss

      Rob, great stuff.

      Question – don’t you think in part this addresses the issue of what to NAME your team or “business”?

      I see so many agent just name their team with their name – this becomes pretty tricky to transfer goodwill when you want to get out!

      And these days, there’s lots of technology than can help foster goodwill WITHOUT requiring you to use YOUR name.

      Your short sale automation sounds interesting!

      • Rob Minton


        I agree with you! I think it’s a lot better to use a name that isn’t tied to you. It gives you a lot of flexibility in your business! The problem is that most agents are trying to brand themselves in their marketing. I think it’s a lot better to create marketing around how the customer benefits vs. branding your name.

        Rob Minton

    • Connie

      Hey, I just think it’s great that you’re man enough to admit that you watch Oprah sometimes!! But to do it right you have to eat bon bons while you watch…at least that’s what I tell my husband when I work from home and he thinks I should be able to clean the house too. Kinda hard to vaccuum and schedule Buyer appointments at the same time, so I just tell him I was so busy watching Oprah reruns & eating bon bons I didn’t have time to clean!

      Seriously…I think we’re all such control freaks that it’s hard to delegate tasks to an assistant, let alone automate the process. It definitely sounds good, though! I just think that anything that gets the job done consistently, automated or delegated, is better than us driving ourselves crazy trying to be the lead sled dog all the time. Oprah can afford to pay people to keep her organized…the rest of us don’t have that luxury!

      • Rob Minton

        Connie – Now everyone has a mental picture of me in front of my TV every afternoon with a box of tissues watching Oprah! I am fascinated by Oprah and what’s she has accomplished. It’s simply amazing. Sounds like your husband doesn’t know what we go through every day!

        Rob Minton

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